About Us

Velocity Automation is satiating the need of Industrial Automation. We are based in the city of Noida, U.P. (India) and we serve clients across the country.

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Manpower Solution Velocity Automation also provides professional engineers / Technical Manpower services to our clients which includes Industrial Automation & Engineering Sector etc

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And lastly this, the third column of representative placeholder content.

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Together, we can build digital forms that replace paper and streamline data, custom apps that solve your most pressing problems, and automated workflows that accelerate any operational process. With agile process automation, you can make operations leaner and improve compliance without disrupting core systems and processes.

Information Technology

Is IT under pressure to deliver more digital solutions, faster than ever before? We can help you to accelerate time to market for automation projects and ramp up internal capacity for digital transformation. Are you ready to benefit from time saving tech and free up more hours for complex projects?

Sales & Marketing

All too often, data silos and fragmented point solutions lead to a disconnect between Sales and Marketing. We can help you to streamline workflows and leverage automation to bring Sales and Marketing closer together. With a shared vision and a single source of truth for customer data, you can pave the way to exceptional CX.